211 Search Results for children

July 4, 2012

Two Examples of a Society in Decline

...ere are no ads for X Boxes, Wi machines, dirt bikes, or Disney movies, our children and young adults apparently are no longer watching those shows. We watched them as kids, or at least heard them in the background, because that was all that was on. Earlier, I confess to getting to watch Howdy Doody, and The Movie Marshall on Channel 7, WTRF, in Wheeling. 4. Three stories on The ABC News caught my ear and eye:          a. Ann Curry’s tearful goodby...

July 21, 2012

A Divorce Lawyer’s Plea to Mothers

...wife and I were not afraid of corporal punishment, and we will hold up our children as examples of mature adults. But, discipline need not be physical. It needs to be consistent and firm. 2. Don’t be afraid to demand a strong effort and commitment to school, church if that’s your thing, and other activities. 3. In sports, school clubs, youth groups, and music, do not let them quit! Make them finish out the school year, and do not be one of “those...

August 31, 2012

On Judging a Book By the Cover

...ines, and the wine country of the Willamette Valley. And our visits to our children’s home towns of Atlanta, Charlotte, Asheville, and Savannah have each been filled with gems. But, little side trips can be great also. Here are two: 1. On the day of New Year’s Eve, during a visit to my wife’s Mother’s in Easton Ct., we went to “Paul Newman’s Restaurant”, “The Dressing Room”, next to the Playhouse in Westport. The food was terrific as was a dog par...

February 27, 2017

A Summing Up of Eight Years’ of Blogging

...yer’s remorse after we achieved a “global settlement”, property, debts and children, in her divorce. She testified under oath that she was satisfied with the settlement and asked the Court to approve it, which it did. In self-defense, I developed an incentive system, not to the client, but to my staff, to approach our better clients. They were the ones who “got it”, who followed my instructions, and mostly got good results. Such people can be quit...

September 10, 2016

2016 WVU College of Law Family Law CLE

...ven save lives. And, I was also thrilled to hear an experienced family law children’s guardian ad litem who, with her family court judge’s encouragement, had acted when the WV DHHR, Child Protective Services division and local prosecutor woulld not act and iled her own juvenile abuse and neglect petition in circuit court in order to protect her wards. This is the kind of innovative approach that family court must be open to in order to meet the ne...

September 3, 2016

Self-Represented Mediation

...spend 30-60 minutes with the parties before deciding their fate and their children’s, isn’t it better to have them spend a few hours with a trained facilitator? I say, “Yes!” to that too. I propose that WV mediators and judges push the limits of mediation for un-represented parties. I also propose that lawyers be permitted to provide as little as an hour of her/his time in meeting with a party in helping them prepare for mediation. Here are a few...

July 1, 2016

Return From My Blogging Sabbatical

...annon, WV 26201 Two visits where we were privileged to watch precious Grandchildren for several days. An argument in Hayes v. Brady before the WV Supreme Court of Appeals which resulted in an adverse memorandum decision, and our “Petition for Rehearing” that we filed yesterday. I focused on the case that the Court said I should have discussed and the strong dissent in our favor by the Hon. Justice Menis Ketchem. Now, if I can just communicate effe...

December 5, 2012

The WV State Bar Referral Service – Leaping Into the New Millenium

...ession, (and have no friends on the Internet, no grand kids, no great grandchildren, and plan to live in a cave.) this powerful wave of almost instant communication is a permanent (and fluid) fact of life. If you doubt that it is fluid, just ask AOL and My Space! 9. NOW TO MY POINT…………..WAKE UP!!!!! This is it: a. Now that the Bar has moved from it’s “800 number” (or maybe it still exists?) to the web, and now that the lawyer has at least entered...

February 3, 2013

Effective Preparation of a Case – For Mediation and Trial

...a. Gather information/evidence to establish the services provided for the children the two years prior to separation. (That is; evidence to support the estimates you have put on your caretaking functions worksheets. This includes school records of visits to parent teacher conferences, medical records showing you took the kids to the doctor, and witness statements such as the homeroom teacher or the doctor’s PA., or neighbors, houseguests, family,...

September 20, 2013

On the Hilarity of Escaping Pets

...do to each other. I post Duffy and Buddy and Little Man and Kitty, and our children’s animals, because each time they have done something that gave me pleasure or happiness. So, it is very difficult for them to be left alone all day. For those of us who have ways to break up the day or bring them with us to work, if you can, I think you will have a happier, better adjusted pet. I am so lucky to have a wife who shares my affection for our animals a...