54 Search Results for "Wrongful Death"

March 15, 2014

Personal Injury Glossary

...for all United States workers by state and federal law. Wrongful Death — A wrongful death claim is a legal action by survivor’s of a deceased individual. In order to have such a claim, the loved one’s death must have been caused by the wrongful actions of another party. The decedent’s loved ones, bringing the claim, may receive monetary compensation for their losses, as determined by the court. Every state has a wrongful death statute; however, th...

May 7, 2010

Scumbags and the Death Penalty

...e did a good job. The WV Supreme Court denied the appeal. I believe in the death penalty for the “really bad guys”; the 911 terrorists and the guys who rip babies from wombs. But, the unibomber, and the guy that shot President Reagan, were very sick guys. I had a long conversation in a psych ward with a man who guarded his house every day with a rifle, ready to shoot the first spy who walked up his walk. He knew he was crazy and had many rules to...

January 24, 2018

A Personal Injury Glossary: Negligence, Insurance, and the Rest

...n and the help of a good lawyer. 13. Wrongful Death Claim: West Virginia’s wrongful death statute allows recovery from an at fault “tortfeasor” for the death of a person. The claimants are beneficiaries defined by the statute, including dependent children, a spouse, parents, and certain other persons. Keys are the closeness of the relationship between the decedent and the survivor dependent, the income potential and life expectancy of the decedent...

March 15, 2014

Our Firm

...so represented people in hundreds of insurance claims, personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits, and other types of civil disputes. From an Apple II to a Windows XP server In 1982, I purchased an Apple II to assemble legal documents for my clients. Later, I was suckered into buying an Apple III, which turned out to be a dead-end machine. That was not the first mistake I have made for being an early adopter of technology. Today we employ a Windo...

March 15, 2014

Truck Accidents

...truck accident lawyer to learn how I can help. Truck Accident Injuries and Wrongful Death Commercial vehicles usually carry at least a million dollars in insurance coverage to pay for the claims of those they injury or kill on the roads. However, the insurance company will not pay those damages willingly. It often takes an aggressive truck accident lawyer who is able to secure evidence such as driver logbooks, truck service records and hiring reco...

March 15, 2014

Product Liability

...s, lead or other toxic ingredients Prescription drugs that cause injury or death Medical devices that fail and cause injury or death Compensation for Victims in Product Liability cases By filing a products liability lawsuit, you can recover financial compensation for damages such as medical bills, lost wages, future medical expenses and lost wages, pain and suffering, permanent injury, and lost enjoyment of life. Through our civil justice system,...

March 15, 2014

Industrial Accidents

...nst your employer in cases of extreme negligence that results in injury or wrongful death. What is Deliberate Intent? Some types of risk are obvious, such as operating a saw without a safety guard or climbing to the top step of a ladder. If your employer knew to a reasonable degree of certainty that you were going to be injured, and asked you to do the job anyway, then your employer is guilty of “deliberate intent.” One of my clients was a machini...

July 18, 2013

The State of Florida v. George Zimmerman – and Our System of Justice

...ividual is considered to be “disposable”. I have written an article on the death penalty. It is: https://hunterlawfirm.net/?p=379 . You probably think you can guess my views on same. You cannot. THE ZIMMERMAN TRIAL I have posted a lot to FB my views on the Zimmerman trial. Those who suggest that we who have not heard all the evidence, sat through the trial, and watched the participants up front should not be opining. That is true about this trial...

March 15, 2014


...rement, medical expenses, lost wages and benefits, and disfigurement. In a wrongful death case, damages can include the loss of the decedent’s income for life, and for married couples, the “non-injured” spouse may have a claim for loss of services. What Are the Various Insurance Claims? Our legislature, in its wisdom, did away with lawsuits over “third party bad faith” claims. Formerly, if you could prove “malice” or a pattern of behavior in one o...

September 27, 2013

Internet Learning Opportunities – Evernote and Lynda.com

...se the scheduled presenter was doing final argument in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial. Bottom line, I will never again pay $100 to hear someone talk and show slides for an hour. That technology is outmoded before it really got started. With the Lynda videos, I listen for 5-10 minutes. If I lose focus because I have gone to a site they referenced, or tried a feature of the program they were teaching, I just repeat that segment. I have alr...