84 Search Results for slip and fall

July 27, 2014

My Areas of Legal and Geographical Practice

...er problems while away, and associate as necessary. b. Premises liability (slip and fall) cases, insurance bad faith (refusal to settle your claim properly), industrial injuries (deliberate intent), and medical malpractice. c. As a longstanding member of the WV Assoc. for Justice, and its Board of Governors, I have learned who has the best reputations is various parts of the state, and I associate on major matters with those most familiar with loc...

March 15, 2014

Personal Injury Glossary

...ent is taken advantage of. Licensee — The term licensee is often used in a slip and fall case. A licensee is someone who enters the property of another with the owner’s consent. The owner owes such a person a duty to keep the property safe and to warn the licensee of any known dangers. If the landowner fails this duty and the licensee is injured, he or she may have a claim against the owner for those injuries. Medical Malpractice — Medical malprac...

February 25, 2022

On Learning New Things: Video-casting and “Text to Voice”

...om conferences are NOT the same. After 3 years without much of a break, we slipped in a few days last fall at Ocean City Md. Great place, Dog friendly, so we took Cinca. This time, she’s at her favorite kennel. There I learned Techsmith’s Snagit. Just search YouTube for “Snagit” or “Snagit and Dotto”, or “Techsmith”, and you will find Steve Dotto and many sources to walk you through this amazingly simple screen capture tool and editor. Using it an...

July 30, 2013

Keys to a Successful Mediation

...ges of the page are each party’s starting position, the second line is the fallback, and the third is their “bottom line”. As I explain to my client, it is the circle in the middle that contains the tough territory, the place neither party wants to go. But, in most instances, each party has to go somewhere in that circle to reach agreement. It might be dead center, but it might be closer to one party’s “fallback position” if that is the more reaso...

March 7, 2018

2018: Mediation Tips Revised

...ges of the page are each party’s starting position, the second line is the fallback, and the third is their “bottom line”. As I explain to my client, it is the circle in the middle that contains the tough territory, the place neither party wants to go. But, in most instances, each party must go somewhere in that circle to reach agreement. It might be dead center, but it might be closer to one party’s “fallback position” if that is the more reasona...

October 11, 2018

A Lawyer’s Thoughts on Slavery and Racism.

...self wide awake at 1 AM and unable to sleep until the planned 3 AM. Before falling asleep, I had a remarkable reading experience starting at page 354 of Carl Sagan’s “The Demon – Haunted World”. “We must not believe the many, who say that only free people are to be educated, but we should rather believe the philosophers who say that only the educated are free. “ EPICTETUS Roman philosopher and former slave, Discourses. The author describes a young...

July 1, 2010

Burt’s Answer to J.B. (I mean Joe)

...g. We just hate to lose traditional e-mail. It is so neat. When terrorists slipped ashore from Pakistan and attacked the hotel in Mambai, India, and when unrest errupted in Iran after their elections, Twitterers, and cell phone photos, and videos, started leaking out of the country. They presented a “realtime a picture of what was happening there. It is now part of the communication fabric of the world. Today, I posted a Tweet, which only reached...

March 15, 2014

Product Liability

...tore the skin and bone off the legs of many unfortunate drivers whose feet slipped off the peg. While Honda sold a $70 guard as an option to prevent this injury, it did not install the guard as standard equipment until the company was forced to by product liability lawsuits. Free Lawyer Consultation If you’ve been injured by a consumer or industrial product, don’t be afraid to talk to a lawyer. Talking is one thing. Hiring is totally separate. If...

February 1, 2015

Symantics, Metaphor, Religion, and Clarity of Thought

...s on his way to becoming a “big deal”. c. A cynic might say that Peter had slipped the guy a couple Denarii to put on a show and convince the audience that Jesus was Godlike. There is no such evidence. I say, point out whenever possible that the Bible speaks in metaphor, and every time water is changed to wine, or someone is brought back to life, or a bush burns and is not consumed, it has to be a metaphor, because physics and chemistry were the s...

September 19, 2014

How to be Productive While Preserving One’s Sanity

...ho are as honest as the day is long, I can leave them and “do my thing”. I slip out early a couple times a week. Getting a full Friday is a real luxury, and getting a “working vacation” on the beach is even more rare. But, with my Dell Latitude Laptop, my Fujitsu Scansnap Scanner, Canon Multifunction printers (we now have two), my iPad, iPhone, paid Wunderlist, hosted Outlook, digital cameras, dictation devices, and camcorders, paid Evernote, paid...