147 Search Results for "personal injury"

December 2, 2011

Personal Injury Client Misperceptions

...hard to combat the stereotype that we are greedy guns for hire. The better personal injury lawyers of course care about making good money. Lawyers are drawn to personal injury practice because it can pay well, but the good ones still put their client first, and work on the nuances like boosting the client’s spirit, assuring them there is light at the end of the tunnel, and helping them to gain a fresh start. Not all reach this goal, but many do, a...

January 24, 2018

A Personal Injury Glossary: Negligence, Insurance, and the Rest

25 Personal Injury Related Definitions These are not “legal definitions”, nor is this legal advice, but it may come in very handy for you. 1. Negligence: a simple mistake. Travelling too fast, rolling through a stop sign, mistakenly turning head on into a “one way” street. 2. Tort: an injury one person does to another, sometimes as the result of negligence or gross negligence, and sometimes intentional. All are actionable, subject to comments bel...

February 26, 2020


...ions to ask. We have had a nice string of a few years where we settled our personal injury cases for “fair settlement value” but did not have to take one to trial. That left us a bit “rusty”. In prize fighting they used to call it “ring rust”. Our firm associates with some major firms in specialized or complex cases, medical malpractice, “deliberate intent”, industrial accident, cases, such as the Sago Mine Disaster, and product liability matters...

March 15, 2014

What to Expect in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

...efendant’s breach, he or she suffered harm and incurred loss. Damages in a Personal Injury Case If each element is established in the plaintiff’s case, the court may award damages for losses. Most damages awarded are compensatory in nature. They are to compensate the plaintiff for actual losses incurred or suffered. The court will consider many factors when determining the amount of compensatory damages. The factors may vary depending on the speci...

June 26, 2013

More on “Why Hire a Divorce or Personal Injury Lawyer?”

...that critical beginning? The answer is that since you cannot file or try a personal injury lawsuit yourself, and since the carrier will not take you seriously if there is little potential you will file suit, it is a “no brainer” that you turn over the documentation and negotiation to an experienced lawyer. And that’s not necessarily the guy with the funniest t.v. ads. If you were an insurance adjustor busting his/her ass each day to keep up with a...

February 9, 2021

Personal Injury Claim Misconceptions

...ct your rights and your family’s. And, knowing the definitions of certain terms and practices can help you understand the process and work with your lawyer. Here are a couple of articles from our archives to help you understand these things: 30 SIMPLE FACTS ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL INJURY CLAIM – Attorney J. Burton Hunter III : Attorney J. Burton Hunter III (hunterlawfirm.net) . A Personal Injury Glossary: Negligence, Insurance, and the Rest – Attorney...

September 15, 2010

The Basics of Personal Injury Claims in WV

...osed head brain injury. So, also, lawyers who become adept at representing personal injury victims are not, per se, greedy or dishonest. Truth be known, lawyering is survival of the fittest, and the ones who do well are usually some of the brightest and most innovative in our profession, able to understand complex legal and medical issues. Some are motivated to help mankind, some to line their own pockets, and the vast majority a combination of th...

October 3, 2010

Common Sense Advice for the Personal Injury Claimant

...2. Your acquaintances and family, and even you, have preconceptions about personal injury claims, and lawyers. Please give us the benefit of the doubt that our values are similar to yours, and we will be asserting claims to what you are entitled to under the law. Never brag what you expect to be getting. 3. Some attorneys would have you cancel all your social media accounts, NOW, and I respect that opinion. What is not there cannot be used agains...

December 24, 2012

Many Ways to Meet Your Lawyer – Personal Injury – Divorce – Civil Suits

...patient thinks “my doctor” is the PA (physician’s assistant). If you are a personal injury lawyer, just try to get your client’s specialist, neurosurgeon, orthopedic surgeon, or plastic surgeon, to write a page or two on your client’s medical history, diagnosis, prognosis, future treatment, and impairment. When you call, each time it is a different assistant. Most surgeons perceive NO obligation to help their patient get their life on track by hel...

July 14, 2020

The Framework for a West Virginia Personal Injury Claim

...In 21 Minutes Mr. Hunter busts some myths of personal injury claim processing in WV, auto collisions, accidents, rear-enders, texting while driving, drunk driving, insurance coverages, competitive fees, and so much more, from a perspective of over 40 years in the legal profession. He focuses on methods, process, and the best net results for the client, usually without filing suit. https://youtu.be/UHjp3jSV09M  ...