The Microsoft Surface Pro 2; some thoughts. New Potential for Doubling Your Reading Speed; And Updated Spreadsheet.
2. Finally, a development in the technology of reading, from N.P.R.’s “Here and Now”; double your reading speed and improve your retention!
3. Two weeks ago, I attached an Excel Worksheet with 9 pages to aid in the collection and organization of facts for your lawsuit or project. Today we tried to print them for a client, and it was a disaster. Sorry! Just set these to print one page from each sheet. Then you can copy as many as you need for your clients to enter by hand. Your staff can still keyboard it when you want a more formal presentation. My last mailing has my two blog articles on how to organize the “objects”, “top ten concerns” and “timeline”. Let me know if you need me to resend.
This post was written by Burton Hunter