84 Search Results for slip and fall

April 26, 2014

Has Our Society Lost Something Essential in the Rearing of Its Youth?

..., operated real machinery, and took very real risks. I guess we could have fallen from the silo (we were 40′ feet up), got tangled in the silage chopper, or run over by truck or tractor. We didn’t, but we did gain a lot of confidence. Jeanie Carter, Ted’s wife, was the recent Mrs. WV, and their farm is still in the family, since the original land patent from Governor Patrick Henry. 9. School, Public and Private (Linsly Military Institute): Ohio Co...

April 18, 2011

2011 Annual Meeting of WV State Bar

...of American Liberties.” It was a reminder that our country has frequently fallen short of our ideals of freedom and liberty, in particular the Patriot Act. 9. Mr. Richards played the obligatory video clips of George W. Bush answering the questions during the Ashcroft controversy and of the internment of the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. My favorite part of his talk was the quotation of Alexander Hamilton from the The Federalist Papers predicting that...

June 13, 2018

Anthony Bourdain, Suicide, and The Meaning of It All

...reason, compassion, empathy, curiosity, and passion. And here’s why. 24. I fall back on Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes III’s essay, “Natural Law“. He talks about our desire for the superlative, our belief, especially our certitude when drunk says, “It is not enough for the knight of romance that you agree that his lady is a very nice girl—if you do not admit that she is the best that God ever made or will make, you must fight.” 25. I...

March 22, 2010

Common Mistakes of Divorcing Parties

...fe”, often defined as a trip to the local karaoke bar. If there was a shortfall while the parties lived under the same roof, it should be obvious that the shortfall will be greater when the parties have separate budgets. That is why I counsel my client, and request the other party, to continue maintaining the family finances as they have been doing. Many times we can avoid child support and alimony payments simply by keeping the bills paid. 5. Hir...

May 1, 2014

Why Should a Non-Techy Lawyer Care About This?

...r files are lost, and your ability to practice your craft is interrupted for weeks or months! As Paul Newman, (Butch Cassidy), said to Robert Redford (Sundance Kid); “Hell, the fall will probably kill you!”. Don’t have that fall. Get yourself into the cloud, and mobile computing, and practice redundancy....

April 6, 2016

Why is it Ok for WV Lawyers to “Live it Up” at the Greenbrier?

...twice to attend. As I heard of rising unemployment and a state budget shortfall, I wondered about the symbolism of “fat-cat lawyers living it up”. 1. Having finished our first overnights’ stay at the Greenbrier, I can unequivocally say I think it was the right thing to do, and here is why. 2. On a personal note, I was thrilled to meet the two winners of our West Virginia Department of Education and State Bar video competition and to see them prope...

September 19, 2014

How to be Productive While Preserving One’s Sanity

...ho are as honest as the day is long, I can leave them and “do my thing”. I slip out early a couple times a week. Getting a full Friday is a real luxury, and getting a “working vacation” on the beach is even more rare. But, with my Dell Latitude Laptop, my Fujitsu Scansnap Scanner, Canon Multifunction printers (we now have two), my iPad, iPhone, paid Wunderlist, hosted Outlook, digital cameras, dictation devices, and camcorders, paid Evernote, paid...

July 23, 2017

So You Have Your (Child Custody) Agreement: Now What?

...intments, etc. Everything goes through “The Wizard”. Do not let violations slip by, but do not overreact. If the other parent shows up 10 or 15 minutes late to transfer points two or three times, write a formal email “Dear___, dated___, sincerely, your name.” Don’t threaten or bluster; cite to your parenting plan and ask her or him to comply. And track in your journal or “The Wizard” whether they do. Repeat and serious violations should generate a...

March 15, 2014

Product Liability

...tore the skin and bone off the legs of many unfortunate drivers whose feet slipped off the peg. While Honda sold a $70 guard as an option to prevent this injury, it did not install the guard as standard equipment until the company was forced to by product liability lawsuits. Free Lawyer Consultation If you’ve been injured by a consumer or industrial product, don’t be afraid to talk to a lawyer. Talking is one thing. Hiring is totally separate. If...

March 9, 2016

How Much is Being Filmed Naked Worth? And Why?

...wed her privacy to be shattered. That’s our system of civil justice, and in many ways, it’s a darn good one, especially that right to a jury trial. Why do you think big companies slip mandatory arbitration into its credit card and consumer contracts? They do not want to have to pay you for their wrongdoing.  ...