348 Search Results for rear end collision

October 26, 2014

America’s Love Hate Relationship With The Poor.

...View of the “Welfare Recipient” If a system is in place to make people dependent, they will become dependent. I remember an expose’ on CBS’s 60 Minutes on the American Indian. Our reparations to them, and the “reservation system” fostered unemployment, alcoholism, drug addiction, and domestic abuse. I see the same thing in Appalachia as people struggle against poverty by figuring out a way to “get a check”. People decry lawyers for setting up off...

August 20, 2012

Domestic Violence and Family Court

...assault, the prosecutor may not be willing to dismiss the case. Sometimes sending Mom to her own lawyer who can send a well-worded letter to the prosecutor is the only way to get that matter dismissed. That lawyer must be mindful not to say Mom told a lie in the first place. The lawyer who gets called into these cases should be experienced and understand human nature, the judges, the workers, the police, and the system. Each case is a puzzle to be...

April 27, 2018

E-Mail Pitfalls and Opportunities

.... Oh how I would love to get back 3-4 such e-mails. 8. Yet, I receive and send thousands of e-mails. Some days, when a client is in crisis, we can go back and forth a dozen times. But, I am a family law, personal injury, and civil trial attorney. 9. My advice is do not set your e-mail to say, “I am out of the office and will be back Tuesday.” Clients have learned to expect more of you. They hired you, you hope, because they heard that you care abo...

September 21, 2012

Hanging Out Your Shingle – Not for the Faint of Heart

...200 current clients or 5000 closed files as I do. This will pay vast dividends. n. Finally, and this is critical. Whatever it takes, become a member of the WVAJ, and attend meetings of the WV State Bar. You will meet many of the best lawyers in the state. Without membership in the WVAJ, formerly WVTLA, I would have earned no more than half of what I earned in my career. Thirty years ago, I came home from a seminar and promptly earned a $35,000 fe...

July 18, 2013

The State of Florida v. George Zimmerman – and Our System of Justice

...ement that had been explicitly imposed on federal courts under the Fifth Amendment and Sixth Amendment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gideon_v._Wainwright ; and here is the reference to Gideon’s Trumpet: Gideon’s Trumpet – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gideon’s_Trumpet; View shared postGideon’s Trumpet is a book by Anthony Lewis describing the story behind Gideon v. Wainwright, in which the Supreme Court of the United States...

June 13, 2018

Anthony Bourdain, Suicide, and The Meaning of It All

...ts more mental energy on the challenges to modern religion than my dear friend Joe JB Shaver. Try getting through your FB day, if you are his friend, without hearing from Bishop Spong, Steve McSwain, or The Dalai Lama. J.B. keeps you tuned in. “Welcome God 5.3.”, he cheerfully says each day. 20. Then there are the “new atheists”, Dawkins, Evans, Hitchens, Anderson, and Jacoby. (the latter two probably shouldn’t be lumped with the three former, but...

January 7, 2013

The Education of the Perfect Paralegal

...U.S. and WV Constitutions. I certainly expect a good paralegal program to send me someone who understands and even excels at the fundamental applications: a. Word Processing; b. Document assembly; c. Financial spreadsheets; d. Relational database; e. calendering; task management, and contacts (such as Microsoft Outlook; f. Litigation management; g. Office management; h. Graphic design, photography, PowerPoint, etc. Now it also makes no sense for a...

October 4, 2013

If I Could Know Only Ten Critical Things About My Serious Injury Claim, What Would They Be?

...Different injuries may require different attorneys. Auto accidents, truck collisions, industrial disasters, product liability, falls on commercial property, insurance bad faith, and medical or legal malpractice have different ground rules. It is best to find someone who knows the difference and can bring in other attorneys or experts if needed. 9. The lawyer with the catchiest, or funniest, television ad may NOT be the lawyer most respected by hi...

November 1, 2010

How an Attorney Can Be a Good Adversary

...lly considered their point of view. 23. Good adversaries bill fairly, and tender detailed, itemized bills, when seeking an award of attorney fees. 24. And, a good adversary follows the spirit of Rule 11 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, which prohibits frivolous pleadings and lawsuits. The lawyer for the party receiving such a pleading, should give the offending lawyer plenty of notice to clean up her act. Twice recently, I saw the lawyer had overs...

July 11, 2010

Serious Auto Accident: Now What?!

...he appropriate specialist, or with “lay witnesses” who knew you before the collision and saw how you have changed since. 11. If there is a severe, permanent injury, you MUST have an attorney. It can mean a huge difference in the outcome. Such cases must have experts, accident reconstructionist, economist, medical specialist, life care planner, structured settlement specialist, and vocational expert. Knowing who they are and how to find them is inv...