66 Search Results for relig

December 1, 2013

A Report of the Book, “The Clockwork Universe: Isaac Newton, the Royal Society, and the Birth of the Modern World”, by Edward Dolnick.

...uld be misinterpreted leading to fear and confusion. Their alternative was religious suppression. All of this has caused me to re-evaluate many of my beliefs. Although I don’t think the Bible should be kept from the common population, I am ashamed to see, and have been part of, the harm that can be caused by the superstitious interpretations of the Bible. At I suspect others feel, I would rather have a view of a God who is loving and forgiving ove...

March 21, 2015

Mr. Hunter – Why Can’t I Find Your Kindle Book Series?

...Law; 000115: My views on my profession, politics, philosophy, science, and religion; 000116: ALL of my 250 articles in one volume. I need an estimate on the extraction, and formatting of each volume, six in total. Regards, J. Burton Hunter III I also consulted Barron Henley, nationally known expert of law office technology and Microsoft Word. I am awaiting quotations or answers from five sources. I will get my series published, I promise. Stay tun...

January 5, 2016

A Turning Point in American Gun Violence?

...onstitutional scholar. The right to own a gun is no different than the right to drive a car. Such rights must be balanced with the rights of others, to assemble peacefully (in schools, malls, and churches), to freedom of speech, to freedom of religion (Christians, Jews, and Moslems have been targeted.), and to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! Sounds pretty American to me! I urge my readers to put aside your partisan reflexes and f...

August 23, 2016

Future of the Law 2016

...nkie” (lots of history, science, biography, philosophy and, more recently, religion), during my time in law school I became a “futurist”, and wrote an essay that began, “Some day mankind will fly to the stars.” That of course is problematical and not likely for centuries, but I enjoyed reading that essay just a year or two ago. The “eye opener” for me, in 1970, was the book “Future Shock” by Alvin Toffler. This slide from the entry hallway at “Fil...

February 27, 2017

A Summing Up of Eight Years’ of Blogging

...ution, e.g. mediation, arbitration, ethics, civil disputes and litigation, religion, politics, philosophy, and history. If I could wave a magic wand, I would edit out 25%-30% of 1300 pages. I would ease up on the lecturing tone and the appearance of condescension. Am I ashamed of my writing? No! I can delete any article I want to, and I have not deleted many. Much of it, say 80%, is “rich content” meaning that you can read it and get something use...

March 17, 2013

A Small Town Lawyer’s Reading List

...the 19th century. If this isn’t enough, controversial writings of the anti-religionists (atheists/skeptics), Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins argue, a tad arrogantly, for rational thought and against superstition, and are always entertaining, and the books of Malcolm Gladwell, such as The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers, are thought provoking but not necessarily scientifically confirmed. Anything by Bill Bryson is entertain...