221 Search Results for %22Contingent fee%22

June 26, 2013

More on “Why Hire a Divorce or Personal Injury Lawyer?”

.... (My number is 304 472-7477, and I work of a very competitive contingency fee percentage!) Superficially, the answer to the question of hiring a lawyer for your divorce is not so clear, but if you think a bit, it should be. In fact, sometimes I don’t meet the client until they have been thoroughly frightened by their spouse’s behavior. 1. Even though I had spoken with a potential client, and carefully spelled out the reasons for the client to hav...

September 27, 2013

Internet Learning Opportunities – Evernote and Lynda.com

...ynda.com. I had to start and stop when the webinar was scheduled. The live feed had technical glitches, as did the speaker, who was a last minute replacement because the scheduled presenter was doing final argument in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial. Bottom line, I will never again pay $100 to hear someone talk and show slides for an hour. That technology is outmoded before it really got started. With the Lynda videos, I listen for 5-10 m...

February 23, 2015

Publishing my Kindle Books

...hers understand better the essentials of running a business known as a professional law practice. 5. If I can succeed in some of that, I shall feel “rich and famous.” Drat! Lost that Powerball again! jbh...

December 1, 2013

A Report of the Book, “The Clockwork Universe: Isaac Newton, the Royal Society, and the Birth of the Modern World”, by Edward Dolnick.

...sed by the superstitious interpretations of the Bible. At I suspect others feel, I would rather have a view of a God who is loving and forgiving over one who is judgmental and condemning. If God was loving and forgiving, and caring for us all, we would not need to worry about what our future will hold for us. So, if we believe in God, let’s believe in one like that. As a practical matter, since most of us are not brilliant scientists, all we need...

March 2, 2014

A Modern View of Religion by a Spiritual Person

...he world, and that today’s everyday reality is itself God. 7. I personally feel closest to God in the West Virginia woods, experiencing plants and animals and the beauty of nature; also, being with friends and family. 8. I have long thought of myself as agnostic, not having ultimate answers. 9. At the same time, I have seen Jesus as mankind’s greatest teacher ever, and with all due respect to Buddha, Mohamed, Abraham, Confucius and many more, I ac...

June 21, 2012

Another Victory in the Tech Revolution – Dictation

...by USB cable. Its filing system is proprietary. I could go on. I like the feel, solid and metal, making me wonder if it would travel straight through the glass in my back door if I heaved it hard enough. Likewise, although I have dictated hundred of memos, motions, orders and letters on Dragon, I remain perplexed that it cannot learn how to spell my paralegal’s name, in spite of endless “training”. Nor do I know why it disables my Windows Outlook...

March 6, 2011

Alimony: The Particulars

...l support, designed to allow a disadvantaged spouse to get back on his/her feet. This often covers a period for that spouse to obtain a two year or four year degree or recertification for a previous employment. c. Permanent Alimony. See the Molnar case in my August 9 post. d. Variations include a lump sum payment or trade for a share of marital property in excess of 50% and specific payments for a fixed period with a stipulation the Court does not...

March 15, 2014


...amily whose members tend to work beyond regular retirement age. So far, I “feel” young and vigorous and plan to follow their lead. Each year, I try to attend several times the hours of continuing legal education required by the West Virginia State Bar. I get a kick out of lawyers scrambling at the last minute to complete their requirements or attending a seminar in an area of law they do not even practice just because it was connected to a West Vi...

October 13, 2014

A Small Town Lawyer’s 50 Year Perspective – The Linsly School’s 200th Homecoming Reunion

...Linsly, and my three sisters did not. In fact, a first-born boy tended to feel “entitled”. Wearing a Cadet Uniform, getting that stellar education, and being called “smart” by my teachers impacted me in a way that is not always pleasant. Truth is I was a mediocre athlete, and, except for some good SAT and ACT scores, my grades were not where they should have been. Each of us was inducted into Linsly’s Aviator’s Society, and got our pin and tie. I...

December 13, 2014

WV Supreme Court Rules People May Not Agree to Leave Each Other Alone.

...ople divide their property, and their debts, work out alimony and attorney fees, reach a parenting plan agreement, agree on child support, parenting time, and all other issues, AND agree to leave each other in peace and quiet, why is the only invalid part of that agreement the latter? “No unwanted contact” does NOT “trigger” the Federal Gun Control Act, nor does it mean the parties are abusers. It only means they have pledged to respect the other...