A New Table of Contents to My Blog and Other Useful Tidbits

Some days, the only use I can picture for my Dell Latitude Laptop is as a Frisbee, right off of the back deck! This is one of them. Facebook and my Hughesnet Satellite have conspired to have me be nearly immobile. Ugh!


Before I forget, here is the link to my Professional FB page and the table of contents to my new blog book (more about that below). You can use this to search for the articles, all of which are still on my blog, or write me for the PDF filehunterjb@hunterlawfirm.net 


I think it is about time for Facebook to do the following:
1. Allow us to upload jpeg files in the order we want them. even numbering them 1-10 won’t do it for me. Sorry if my table of contents jumps back and forth. There are 185 separate articles.
2. Allow up to upload PDF files. Their pages are already in order.
3. Have an easy way, similar to the defunct Kodak Gallery or Snapfish to access our posted FB photos and albums for printing, enlarging, cropping, etc. I have 66 albums and 3000-5000 photos uploaded, but Kodak Gallery is gone, and Snapfish just doesn’t work for me. 
A couple of months ago, my Blogger (owned by Google) blog platform began telling me it won’t support my Windows Explorer. It finally restored my search feature, but uploading photos has been nearly impossible. 
I don’t like Google Chrome, and all the crap that comes with, but I just allowed myself to be manipulated into downloading it so I can upload these magnificent photographs. 
Google has convinced me that it has “thrown in the towel” with BloggerCan’t wait to move the “whole shebang”, professional website and blogs, to the WordPress platform. Stay tuned. 
I pulled out my old birthday photo last night  (March 2013, top left) to toast to Pete Seeger and a life well lived. Thanks to Spotify, we had a lovely musical evening listening to Pete, Peter, Paul and Mary, and Bob Dylan. 
One of my “fun” FB friends chided me for not being authentic with my tie and blazer, so I inquired whether she wanted me to put on a banjo and outfit. She opined “Yes, Of course!”, but another FB friend bailed me out. So there I am, upper right, a Pete Seeger lookalike! I did once own a banjo by the way? That’s another story. 
A busy winter, and some diligent efforts to update my Pathagoras document assembly templates, and to learn Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop Elements, and my Sony Cybershot DSC-RX1000 manual, have kept me from much posting this winter. 
With sites like YouTube, www.Lynda.com, Khan University, Google Scholar, Wikipedia, and www.Grovo.com, the wealth of the world’s wisdom is available to everyone. 
But, back to my blogs, yesterday I went to Blog2Print and created a PDF of this blog. It was about 275 pages when I did that in May of 2013. Today it is over 425 pages! It costs me nearly $200 to print is as a hardback but only $7.95 to read a PDF file of the book. That’s the one I will happy to share at no cost. Write hunterjb@hunterlawfirm.net . It reflects much of what I have learned in my profession and my life. 
Every new client gets several articles printed from this blog, tailored to his or her situation. I think it is chock full of useful stuff, and it is not lacking in strong opinions. Tell me what you think, but be kind!
Here are some cool things I have found. 
1. A 2003 interview of Pete Seeger on NPR’s On Point. What a compelling portrait of an old, but gentle, radical: 
Pete Seeger: http://onpoint.wbur.org/2014/01/28/the-world-according-to-pete-seeger-a-remembrance
2. The 18 minute recording of school secretary Antionette Tuff defusing a potentially deadly situation in here school.
Antoinette Tuff                                                                                                                 http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2013/08/22/antoinette_tuff_911_call_listen_to_the_full_tape_of_ga_school_clerks_call.html
3. A Diane Rhem interview of Rebecca Mead author of a book on the background and creation of the great Victorian Novel Middlemarch, by George Elliott. I learned a lot just driving home from Elkins. Her philosophy for marriage and life was the need for us to have, and act on, empathy. I think that may be one thing that separates “modern” thinking and pre-modern. 
Middlemarch: http://onpoint.wbur.org/2014/01/30/middlemarch-george-eliot-rebecca-mead
4. I am reading a “tell it like it was” non-fiction book by former Secretary of Defense (under George W. Bush and Barack Obama): Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of War. He is not as rough on either president as the news media made out. He certainly cares little for Donald Rumsfeld and VP Joseph Biden. Interesting so far. 
5. The secrets behind Google, “In the Plex – How Google Thinks…”. It is an interesting but ponderous and repetitive read. At least at Kindle, the prices are right. 
6. A Short History of the Byzantium by John Julius Norwich; the story of 1100 years of the empire founded by Constantine the great. The author makes a great case that this is a much more important era than it gets attention for. A Christian bastion against the spread of Islam into Europe. Nancy and I are planning a trip to Venice. A friend has given my three key titles, one being A Short History of Venice, by the same author,  and The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance by John Hale. I have read one chapter of each!
7. The Price of Justice, A True Story – stunning accusations against our WV Supreme Court and political system. 
I share these things because they are of great interest to me, and I hope to some of you. jbh 

This post was written by Burton Hunter

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