Every Journey Begins With the First Step

  1. All of my  274 blog articles began with the Blogger dashboard. Having just read “In the Plex – How Google Thinks, Works, and Influences our Lives” by Stephen Levy, I am pleased and relieved to have left a platform that Google’s brilliant minds have left to fend for itself. WordPress promises much greater integration and more robust options in a community of users.
  2. Now I must learn a new platform, so I am dashing off a few lines, saving it as a draft, and seeing what will happen if I attempt to publish it.
  3. Comments on my new website, same name, www.hunterlawfirm.net, are uniformly positive. I am pleased to integrate my blogs, “Perspectives of a Small Town Lawyer”, and “WV Lawyer, Tips and Techniques”, and my social media accounts into one place, with my professional website and its content.
  4. I am thinking about and working on several new blog posts, so please stay tuned. jbh

This post was written by Burton Hunter

1 Comment

  • Prior to having this integrated site, my blogger articles remained separate from my former site which cost me $1400/mo.!. I had to copy and paste from one platform to the other. I then had to create a “tiny url” of my article’s url and add it to each of my social media sites. Now I hit publish and it instantly appears in each of them. What a relief! and What a powerful tool. Thanks Dan and Lauren!

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