Up in the Air? We Are Here For You!


J. Burton Hunter III and his remarkable staff are here,

working, and serving our clients. 

And, as any business, we need and want new clients!

We can Skype, Facetime, or Zoom if needed,

but three “old standbys” will usually suffice: 

  1. The telephone: call us at 304 472-7477 or 472-9475. 
  2. E-mail us at hunterjb@hunterlawfirm.net or reseptionist@hunterlawfirm.net; and,
  3. If you are symptom-free, we are controlling our front entrance and only allowing 1-2 people in at a time. So we will meet you face to face. 

Even with the courts closed for all but emergencies, we are in touch with their staffs. They too are working, but sometimes with a skeleton staff.  

We can help with your serious auto accident or other injury claims, your “legal check-up”, adoption, conservator-guardianship, contempt matter, divorce, will or deed preparation, civil dispute, right of way or boundary line dispute; pretty much anything and everything we do 

If “Pap” is in the hospital and needs to make that critical change to his will, we can work that out in a way that disgruntled parties can’t successfully challenge it. 

In a time like this, Mr. Hunter’s 40+ years of finding solutions and avoiding problems can be a critical factor.

Indeed, it is time to find someone with “true grit” to find your solutions.

And we do it for a fair price, discounted during “virus time”.  

This post was written by Burton Hunter

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