The Rhythm of Writing a Blog

I think there is a rhythm to writing a blog. I am beginning to get a feel for it. I have at least a couple dozen subjects I want to cover. And, I have to figure out what works here, what is appropriate to put on my more permanent site, , and what should go on my business Facebook site, J. Burton Hunter III and Assocs., PLLC.

A potential client must realize that finding a family, or personal injury, attorney is not like choosing between WalMart and Target, or Food Lion and Krogers. The approach of a lawyer to her/his tasks varies greatly.

Too many attorneys mix up a short term, adversarial, approach with their clients’ long term best interests. Too many attorneys lack creativity, and too many attorneys resist change, especially in technology. Frankly, the changes in our society are pretty scary to me. Sometimes it seems things are “falling apart”, perhaps because they are! A well qualified attorney can help bring sanity to that “chaos”, and provide a basis for a “fresh start”.

The main thing I wish to convey in my message to the public is my passion for what I do, my commitment and my staff’s to our clients’ best interests, and our desire to do our job for a fair fee, in a timely way. Who can go wrong with an attorney like that looking out for them? This approach has worked for me!

This post was written by Burton Hunter

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