The Delusion of; a Lesson in Ego Deflation was catering to my ego and inflated self importance, showing a steady rise from 13 to 59, still below Justin Bieber and President Obama, but a nice boost to my healthy, perhaps too healthy, ego.

I just read in Wired online that they revised their criteria, adding 400 new factors, so they dropped me from 58 to 38 overnight! The week before I reached the lofty number 59.

It is a good reminder that I need only do what I can and, no doubt, will get what I deserve. My goal online is to educate and entertain, and perhaps draw attention to me and my magnificent staff and the services we provide.

Being a “small town lawyer”, I notice that most of my clientele call because of word of mouth, former clients, and the Yellow Pages. There is a growing stream of my former clients bringing their adult children to me. 

For all the talk of social media madness, small town folks are still doing what they have done for decades. I am the first lawyer to advertise in the Yellow Pages in Weston or Buckhannon, WV.

Bye Bye “Klout”!

This post was written by Burton Hunter

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