Renewal after Crisis: a Pattern of My Life
Renewal after Crisis: a Pattern of My Life:
- Let’s hope this post does not have a long shelf life.
- As I sit here today, there is great uncertainty about the future of America and the world.
- As I write this, I don’t even know if we will ever return to routinely shaking hands.
- During my life, I’ve learned that a person’s handshake tends to say a lot about that person, and “A person’s handshake is his or her bond.”
- Much of what we are learning should be followed every winter.
- This is a great example of how interconnected our world is and how foolish it is to think America can wall itself off from the rest of the world.
- And maybe it shows us that we cannot become too reliant on any foreign country for certain products.
- I recorded this while quarantined and consider today to be my first day outside of it.
- It is my pledge to persevere during this period of stress and renewal.
- Best wishes to all our readers, viewers, clients, and friends.
This post was written by Burton Hunter