84 Search Results for slip and fall

March 15, 2014

Birth Injuries

...ean section that could have saved the child from harm. Many birth injuries fall into two main categories: those caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, such as cerebral palsy; and those caused by traction injuries, such as shoulder dystocia. The later group of injuries happen when a baby literally gets stuck in the birth canal. The doctor causes injuries while trying to pull the baby out. Find Out Whether Malpractice Played a Role in Your Child’s D...

March 15, 2014

Mine Site Accidents

...lapse or cave-ins North Carolina Mountains Rock slide accidents Explosions Falls Conveyer belt accidents Exposure to toxic chemicals Defective equipment Silica dust exposure that causes black lung disease Heavy equipment accidents Deliberate intent Call Toll Free 304-472-7477 for a Free Consultation I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can be of assistance to your and your family. Please contact my law office in Buckhannon, West Vir...

March 15, 2014

Oil and Gas Explosions

...quipment accidents Back injuries Burns Brain injuries Spinal cord injuries Falling accidents Drilling rig injuries Oil field accidents West Virginia has vast gas reserves. In our valley alone, there were probably 300 wells drilled in the last five years. Every time you crack a well, there is the potential for setting off an explosion, as flammable material is brought up into the air. Gas and oil accidents are legally complex. They require proving...

June 11, 2014

Burt’s History of the World – Part I – To The Age Of Enlightenment

...attempted to defeat Italy. Gibbon, in four huge volumes, “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, which I have not yet conquered, blames corruption and Christianity for the eventual destruction of Rome. I In the 400’s, the final Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, passed from the scene. The center of Christianity moved to Constantinople, site of modern Istanbul in Turkey. The great administrator Justinian gathered the laws throughout the realm...

February 17, 2010

The Rhythm of Writing a Blog

...nges in our society are pretty scary to me. Sometimes it seems things are “falling apart”, perhaps because they are! A well qualified attorney can help bring sanity to that “chaos”, and provide a basis for a “fresh start”. The main thing I wish to convey in my message to the public is my passion for what I do, my commitment and my staff’s to our clients’ best interests, and our desire to do our job for a fair fee, in a timely way. Who can go wrong...

September 16, 2010

I Have Been Hurt by a Negligent Driver, What Can I Claim?

...ore back is likely to be more seriously injured in a rear end collision or fall on ice than a strong, healthy one. BUT, I urge my client not to brag to a friend in the check out lane at their food store about the “big bucks” they expect to get. Once, I got a call from the checkout clerk alerting me to my client’s brags and the impact it had on others in the line. DON’T DO IT! A settle pre-suit of $75,000 is worth as much as a $125,000 jury award w...

October 22, 2010

The Dilemma of the Difficult Client

...regarding the ramifications of such behavior. Same thing for a client who “falls off the wagon”. On the other hand, if a client consistently, stubbornly, even hostilely, resists the guidance of the attorney so that it becomes clear their goals are mutually repugnant, I believe the attorney has no choice but to withdraw from representation. And, in the interests of honesty, a lawyer usually cannot work for free. It is much easier to say goodbye to...

October 22, 2010

The Dilemma of the Difficult Client

...regarding the ramifications of such behavior. Same thing for a client who “falls off the wagon”. On the other hand, if a client consistently, stubbornly, even hostilely, resists the guidance of the attorney so that it becomes clear their goals are mutually repugnant, I believe the attorney has no choice but to withdraw from representation. And, in the interests of honesty, a lawyer usually cannot work for free. It is much easier to say goodbye to...

June 5, 2017

Global Warming: How the Environmental Movement Has Botched It!

...nd our children, and if we don’t do something about it, civilization could fall apart. 5. I would focus on the poisoning and then move to the symptoms. Al Gore spoke of treating our atmosphere as a place to dump raw sewage. Now that’s an analogy people can picture. 6. I would move the fact that the earth is getting warmer to a secondary position, as a symptom and not the cause, but one that can eventually tip the scales towards putting us out of b...

March 6, 2011

The Role of Fault in WV Alimony (WV Code 48-8-104)

...February 10, 2012; J.B.H. I argued a case before the WV Supreme Court this fall, and won it by a 3-2 vote. I was asked by Justice Workman why I did not consider repudiating my client’s pre-nuptial agreement and asking for commensurate alimony for the husband’s fault, an admitted affair. I explained that I found that family courts are not concerned much with fault. She respectfully disagreed with me, referring me to a case she had authored. I left...