55 Search Results for gun

September 16, 2013

The Lack of Privacy in the Modern Age

...hether he is still working for the same employer, and we really have not begun to study his FB profile. 5. We mean this fellow no harm. His employer is self-employed and liability insurance coverage is essentially unlimited 6. But, it gives one pause. What of those who do mean harm? What a tool they have. 7. This is a fascinating, complex, and troubling subject. 8. It is much too complex for either a knee jerk rejection or acceptance of the change...

September 27, 2017

Tying Together “Unbundling” of Legal Services

...randfather worked hard and saved a few hundred thousand, has a farm, and a gun collection and a. He has a 60 year old “girlfriend”; your druggy cousin has been “hanging around” or his neice want him to move to Fla. to live with her and her alcoholic husband. Worse, grandfather passed, and his will leaves a million bucks to your druggy cousin when you KNOW that’s not what he wanted. Your are a single woman, and that creepy neighbor just won’t leave...

December 2, 2011

Personal Injury Client Misperceptions

..., we lawyers have to work hard to combat the stereotype that we are greedy guns for hire. The better personal injury lawyers of course care about making good money. Lawyers are drawn to personal injury practice because it can pay well, but the good ones still put their client first, and work on the nuances like boosting the client’s spirit, assuring them there is light at the end of the tunnel, and helping them to gain a fresh start. Not all reach...

April 6, 2023

Judicial Ethics: America Owes Anita Hill an Apology and Clarence Thomas The Boot!

...of dollars EACH YEAR trying to influence America on things like abortion, gun control, or immigration? Did he know that when he voted to overturn “Roe v. Wade” and opined there are other precedents out there waiting to be overturned? Of course he did. Why did he not connect the “ethical dots”? Anita Hill might say, “Because he is a crooked liar of course.” I agree. A “simple man” does not take millions of dollars in vacations and trips. A “simple...

April 3, 2014

Table of Contents

...ing his representation, there are certain … 2018/03/06 2018-03-06 15:54:51 Gun Violence in America: A Small Town Lawyer’s Thoughts A GREAT CHALLENGE FOR AMERICA: VIOLENCE Where do we start? With our animal nature? Our tribal past? Our “Colt and … 2018/03/01 2018-03-01 15:32:44 An Example of Unbundling of Legal Services As you will see if you search my blog for “unbundling”, “unbundled legal services”, or “future of the law”, I … 2018/02/15 2018-02...