84 Search Results for slip and fall

April 14, 2010

Lawyers Are People Too

...aments at choir, to our college friends who come to WVWC’s reunions in the fall and come back for road bowling in the spring, to my high school classmates, and of course our children, siblings and parents. My father and stepmother became very close with my college friends, and others, by coming to the tournaments. Dad did not bowl, but he could share a sip of Bushmills with them, and lots of laughter. *As a professional, how do you find the time t...

June 21, 2010

Being a Good Husband

...do what the law says. It is a fair law. 11. The day Nancy told me she had fallen for my was, BY FAR, the happiest day of my life. It was the result of lots of “hard work and patience”. My appreciation was boundless, and is stronger today, now that I see what it has brought me, than back then. Although, I had a strong sense of what being married to Nancy Goodfellow would be like. It has been even better. 13. Don’t drink too much! 14. Take care of...

April 5, 2011

Dear Honorable (Family Court) Judges

...nts against lawyers who don’t do their orders, or habitually show up late, fall on deaf ears. Excellence is not rewarded, and mediocrity is not penalized. Contrary to your comments, I have been told by more than one of our local judges that they have no power to incarcerate for contempt. I have never seen a family court incarcerate or fine, but may regret that I presented these ideas as suggestions here. Thank you again for your stimulating discus...

April 3, 2014

Table of Contents

...17/02/05 2017-02-05 20:31:48 Then and Now for a Personal Injury Attorney – Slip and Fall I have often blogged of the history of technology from the perspective of a lawyer who has practiced his craft from 1972 to 2017. … 2017/01/26 2017-01-26 21:54:11 A Claim Against Your Own Insurance Company? Let’s look at another kind of injury, bad faith by your fire insurance company: You have a major fire. The … 2016/12/13 2016-12-13 00:28:23 I Want to be yo...

October 17, 2018


...y “scott-free,” ready to “spread his seed” elsewhere. In short, society is falling apart. 4. Although an attorney with proper staff and office must be able to charge $200 an hour or more to make a decent living, the “sliding scale” for court-approved mediators can be as low as $95, $65, or even $45 an hour, much below that attorney’s overhead. 5. If an attorney wants to be on the “court-approved” list, they must be willing to take these cases and...

May 4, 2016

Is It Time to Revise Mediation in WV?

...er Law”, WV Code Sec. 51-5A-5a. These orders prohibiting bad behavior that falls short of being domestic violence are being entered dozens of times a week all over the state. We kept the statute simple, and it seems to be working. I believe that passage of a new mediation law will also benefit WV families and litigants! Lawyers, Judges, Mediators, and Legislators need creativity and innovation to speed up our courts and expand justice to a greater...

February 27, 2017

A Summing Up of Eight Years’ of Blogging

...our President, and we were seriously worried the economy of the world was falling off of a high cliff. I was already into my 60’s; healthy, happy, but concerned for my family, my practice, and my country. There were no assurances that bailing out the banking and auto industries was going to pan out as well as it has. So, I was girding myself for a very tough 8 years for my practice. At least I am still here. I believed that President Obama was mu...

March 1, 2018

Gun Violence in America: A Small Town Lawyer’s Thoughts

...e era and welcome the modern world to America. The evidence is that we are falling back into a new “dark age”. I hope I am wrong. The evidence says that the purveyors of myth, fantasy, and falsehood have a powerful new weapon that we have not learned to deal with. It began with t.v. but morphed and metastasized with the Internet. Fantasyland also began because America went through at least a couple hundred years of idiocy, dreams of streets paved...

March 7, 2018

2021 Revised: Digging Down – On Organizing and Preparing Your Case

...if you have not mapped your events. If you do you will stumble and perhaps fall. Time and sequence are keys! Timeline exhibits are the “maps” of our presentation. They are the story that we present to the judge, jury, or mediator. Do not forget that instead of a rambling story, our timeline is supported by the witnesses and exhibits we need. THE INTERVIEW II There is a fair, but incorrect, criticism of me that I am not a good listener. Being asser...

May 18, 2018

Stupid Lawyer Trick #27 – The Trigger Happy Contempt Petition

...a good motto, and remember, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” The lawyers who lack imagination, or who put earning that fee above the best interests of the client, fall short of the standards to which we should aspire. Put the interests of the client first, and you will always have plenty of clients. jbh  ...