How To Read Burt’s Book?


As much as I would like to emulate John Grisham and Steve Coonts, I have no interest in writing fiction, and I will never reach “the masses”, but I think I have some suggestions for reading “Perspectives of a Small Town Lawyer” that might justify it’s $2.99 download price. Or, if you write politely to, I just might send you a link to the PDF version located in my DropBox folder “Blog Book 2012”. It looks great on the iPad.

I suggest:

a. Just skim the first few articles unless you really want to know where I was raised or which year I was the Ohio County 4-H Clubs’ Boy of the Year. After 5-6 posts, I started to get a rhythm. My stuff is not “canned”. I talk about real events, real cases (while respecting confidentiality and privacy), and real lessons earned.

b. Then, I suggest you read 3-4 paragraphs of each article as you encounter it. I would not just jump around because the titles do not really tell you what the articles contain. And, the order is quite representative of the importance I placed on the subject matter.

c. If the first few paragraphs do not make you throw up, read 3-4 more.

d. You now should have a sense whether it is worth finishing. If you read 10 paragraphs, just finish the darned thing! They aren’t that long. 120 articles in 202 pages.

I did not write anything to embarrass or get back at anyone. Any person and most products I mention I do so because I admire them. The unnamed people I criticise probably won’t read the book anyway.

Their are a  few of my chapters that I consider “must reading”.

a. It is stunning to me that people have so little understanding of their insurance coverages. They are one instant away from a collision or injury that ruins their life, not just physical injury, but financial ruin. My article on insurance coverages helps you to avoid that.

b. The misconceptions about personal injury law, lawsuits, tort law, what it takes to be a good personal injury lawyer, and what’s involved in consulting a personal injury lawyer are “legion”.

c. The examples of tragic consequences to people who tried to be their own lawyer are real, usually recent, cases. The clients have agreed their stories can be told. They generously wish for others to avoid what they went through.

And sometimes I am just having fun while making a point; e.g. “Taze the Kid?” or “Scumbags and the Death Penalty”. .

Today I was able to share two articles on promisory estoppel with a colleague just as she was beginning to do research on that very subject. I like that. I want to help. I want our profession to be respected. I want my cases to be easier because the lawyers have learned to trust and work with one another.

If you find honestly, humor, and useful stuff in my book, I shall be happy.

AND, DON’T FORGET, EVEN IF YOU READ THE PDF VERSION, YOU MAY GO TO AMAZON.COM KINDLE BOOKS AND POST A KIND (Please be kind!) review. That would be a fine payment, and your comments will be carefully considered. (He says apprehensively.)

Burt Hunter

This post was written by Burton Hunter

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