Reflections Upon A Working Vacation

For those of you who only follow this blog, a lot more has been happening than shows up here:

1. On February 18, I posted a piece to my blog “WV Lawyer – Tips and Techniques”, discussing my working vacation, goals, and challenges;

2. Last year my aim was to complete my blog book, same title as this blog, and upload it to Blogspot, which I did.

3. My goals this year were unrealistic, but here is what I did:

a. Completed the aforesaid blog article;

b. Completed revised Pathagoras Templates for divorce petitions and counter-petitions.

c. Learned the new blogging platform for my Findlaw website and carefully copied and upgraded 8-10 of my best blog articles.

e. I learned to optimize the articles by “tagging” them with appropriate key words, category, etc.

f. I added new photos and illustrations, many of which were my own photographs.

g. I attended two hearings remotely, dictated several documents using Dragon, and e-mailed them to the office, and fielded and responded to, dozens and dozens of e-mails. The staff finally figured out I was not going to call someone back or try to reel in a new client, and took on the responsibility of doing those things for me. Thanks staff!

h. Spent hour after hour with the person I love to be with more than any on earth.

i. Ate, ate, ate, and ate. We learned one thing well. The American food industry has developed a sophisticated web of inducements, pricing, portion manipulation, and marketing to assure we will eat too much of the wrong thing.

j. Salads end up with cheese and bacon;  everything has lots of added salt; portions are gargantuan, and the things you can grab and eat at a drive through are almost always bad for you. This fried fish platter included over a lb. of fish, claw, and fries.

k.. We accept full responsibility, but it will take 3-4 weeks just to return to where we were before we left. After I lose that 8 lb., I have the 20 left I was working on. Back to Mandy Engberg’s Yogalosophy and long walks with Duffy.

l. After leisurely sleeping in until 8:00 a.m., Nancy began to charge around, restoring order to our word, and I am spending an entire day with Pathagoras, trying to finish the project I started, of doubling the forms and features I need for document assembly.

m. Bottom line? I highly recommend to my clients and colleagues that you get away whenever possible. If you can leave it all behind, so that. If you can explore a new world, such as Hawaii, Ireland, or Egypt, or Israel, to that.

But, if the only way you can justify to yourself a break away from the routine is a “working vacation”, I strongly recommend that you to so.

 And I can’t think of anywhere better than Savannah, Amelia Island, or Jekyl, or St. Simons, as the quiet, comfortable, place to do so.

This post was written by Burton Hunter

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